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产品 版本 说明 日期
DH770 DH770000.102 1. Update Intel ucode 0x12B to fix voltage issues in 13th and 14th Generation Core Processors. 2024-12-13
DH670/DH670 V2 DH670000.214 1. Update Intel ucode 0x12B to fix voltage issues in 13th and 14th Generation Core Processors. 2024-12-13
XH610/XH610V XH610000.209 1. Update Intel ucode 0x12B to fix voltage issues in 13th and 14th Generation Core Processors. 2024-12-13
SPCEL02/03 SPCEL02.104 1. Fixed LAN install driver sometime system hang up. 2024-12-03
SPCEL12/13 SPCEL12.101 1. Fixed LAN install driver sometime system hang up. 2024-12-03
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